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Pre K Ballet

3- 5 Year Old Classes



The Early Childhood Program is designed to form a strong foundation in dance and movement.  It teaches the young dancer the basic elements of movement and dance:  space and how we relate to it, both as an individual and as a member of a group; the eight basic locomotor movements; musical rhythm, beat, and time; opposites and directions; and some elementary positions of ballet.  Integrated with the physical concepts are the intellectual concepts of self-awareness, creative expression, imagination, teamwork, and basic body/health awareness.


1 class a week for the season* - $1,080.06 or 9 installments $120

2 classes a week ​for the season* - $​2,053.21 or 9 installments $228.13


3 year olds EC Level 1 - Wednesday 6:00pm-7:00pm OR Saturday 9:30am-10:30am  (see details)


4 year olds EC Level 2 Tuesday 6:00pm-7:00pm OR Saturday 10:30am-11:30am (see details)


5 year olds EC Level 3 - Thursday 6:00pm-7:00pm OR Saturday 11:30am-12:30pm (see details)

*The season runs September - the recital in June.  

Child & Teen Ballet

6 - 18 Year Old Classes



​An essential course for all dancers and gymnasts. Terminology, proper body alignment, and turnout are stressed. Classes begin with barre exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of the feet, legs and back. The exercises increase flexibility of ligaments (especially at the hip), to attain balance and control, to stabilize the turnout; and gain speed in the feet and lightness in the legs. The mechanics of technique taught at the barre are brought into center floor and used in dance combinations. The fundamentals of Ballet are the basis of other dance types for form, technique, and control. Recommended for all students. Class levels & advancement are based on ability. Advanced levels have the option of taking technique classes, pre pointe' and pointe" with instructor approval.


1 class a week for the season* - $1,080.06 or 9 installments $120

2 classes a week ​for the season* - $​2,053.21 or 9 installments $228.13


6 - 7 year olds - Ballet 1 - Tuesday 7:00pm-8:00pm OR Saturday 12:30pm-1:30pm


8 - 10 year olds - Ballet 2 - Thursday 7:00pm-8:00pm OR Saturday 1:30pm-2:30pm


11+ year olds - Ballet 3


Advanced Levels - 4, 5, technique, pre-point, & pointe' are by teacher recommendation. 

*The season runs September - the recital in June.  

Adult Ballet

18+ (Only adults allowed in the class)

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This class is for you whether you have danced before or this is your first time.  If you have always dreamed of taking ballet, this class will teach you the basics of ballet training and allow you to progress at your own pace. From your first day you will enjoy the barre, center, and across the floor. In addition, this class will be an excellent way to exercise and stay fit while you are having fun! (Ages 18+) Only students 18+ are permitted in the classroom.


$130 for the full 6 week session or $25 for walk-ins 


6 Wednesday's 7:00pm-8:30pm


Session 1 - 9/11 - 10/16

Session 2 - 10/23 - 12/4 (no class 11./27)

Session 3 - 12/11 - 1/29 (no class 12/25 & 1/1)

Session 4 - 1/8 - 2/12

Session 5 - TBD

Session 6 - TBD


*Recital is optionsl but many choose to be in the show.  

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